Written by Craig B

Reasons To Get Security Cameras

Reasons To Get Security Cameras


1. Minimize Shrinkage

As previously stated, video surveillance systems are critical for preventing theft. If your business experiences significant shrinkage, investing in security cameras can help deter negative behaviors such as employee theft and customer shoplifting. Not only that, but security cameras can also assist you in determining the source of damage to your products or materials. Once you’ve identified the sources, you can eliminate them and significantly reduce budget waste.

2. Maintain Productivity Among Your Employees

Even the most diligent employees occasionally slack off, especially if they know they are not constantly monitored by their employer. As a result, you may find that your workforce is less productive than it could be.

When your employees understand that you can see what they’re doing at any time, they’ll be less tempted to slack off and fail to complete assigned tasks. Additionally, your security cameras will enable you to express gratitude to those who deserve it and to reprimand those who require a firm reminder.

Additionally, a surveillance system provides a more comprehensive view of how the workflow operates. It may assist you in determining where something in the pipeline can be improved.

3. Resolve Disputes More Effortlessly

Disagreements in the workplace will always arise, even more so in high-stress environments. Typically, it is a case of “he said, she said,” and it can be difficult to decide on disciplinary action when you are unsure which side to take.

If you have security cameras, it may be easier to determine who was right and who was wrong. For example, if one employee asserts that the other initiated the argument, your recordings may demonstrate otherwise.

Having an effective surveillance system ensures that you not only obtain the truth, but also achieve just resolutions. This can contribute to a more positive overall work environment.

4. Increased Safety at Work

Numerous industries involve hazardous situations for their employees; if your business falls into this category, you’ll want to install security cameras on your property immediately.

Given the possibility of falls, slips, and other workplace accidents, it’s best if all of these are captured and documented. Not only will it keep track of when and where accidents occur, but it can also help you improve your safety protocol by displaying the most common accidents.

5. Defend Yourself Against Legal Action

Again, accidents can occur at any time in a workplace, even if it is a quiet one. Someone is bound to get hurt, whether it’s an employee or a customer. When it does, you want to ensure that you are protected so that you are not held liable.

If someone attempts to bring legal action against you in error, you can quickly defend yourself with hard evidence from your surveillance systems.

This is also beneficial in instances where employees bring legal action against one another. When you can provide them with video recordings, you can significantly speed up and smooth out their court proceedings.

6. Ensure the Safety of Your Employees and Clients

If your employees are working long hours on a remote construction site, they may be more vulnerable to criminal activity. Not only are they out in the middle of nowhere, but they may be less alert following a long shift. This can be a recipe for disaster if security cameras are not installed.

By installing a robust video surveillance system on your property, you can deter criminals from even considering committing any crimes. This safeguards not only your employees, but also any clients who may visit the site. This will ensure that everyone arrives and departs safely from the worksite and their vehicles.

7. Ensure Your Peace of Mind

Consider the following scenario: you and your colleagues are attending a trade show. You’ve spent a great deal of time and money ensuring that your booth is the best in the industry.

If you’re staying for several days, you may be hesitant to leave your booth on the premises overnight. We can provide you with our Trade Show Video Guard through Mobile Video Guard so that you can have peace of mind while you are not physically present at your booth.

This video surveillance system is portable and simple to set up, which means you can quickly set up and take down this security camera system if you’re on a long business trip.

Having a surveillance system in place deters individuals from committing theft and vandalism. Not only that, but if they do proceed, you’ll have concrete evidence of who committed the crime and when. This can save you a great deal of time and aggravation if you are required to provide evidence for police investigations.

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Wired IT Group is a full-service information technology (IT) vendor, based in Phoenix, AZ. Our team is capable of designing, installing and maintaining all of your IT solutions from server security , network systems to security systems and low voltage cabling.

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