Security Camera Installation Cost
Written by webtechs

Security Camera Installation Cost

Security Camera Installation Cost

On average, a home owner installing a security system with at least four cameras will pay $925. The range of installation costs in the U.S. can go all the way from $150-$2,000, according to

Security Camera Costs

A video surveillance system is the best way to keep track of everything that is transpiring within your home or office building. Also referred to as closed circuit television (CCTV), a video surveillance system is vital for those looking to protect and preserve their valuable property.

Typical installation costs for homeowners is in the $400-$800 range, with a high end of $2,000 total. Of course, costs will vary based on type of security cameras desired and how many are needed to properly suit your property. A single unit doorbell camera can be installed for as little as $150, while a 12-camera system can hit the high end of all installation costs.

The two main types of security cameras are wireless and IP cameras. Both types will come with a price tag of $100-$150. An average set of four cameras costs between $400-$600, not including installation. There are a few disadvantages with wireless camera systems, though. Reliance on WiFi could mean the signal goes out from time to time, and hackers could get into your system.

Security Camera System For Business

Here is a quick list of benefits of security systems for businesses:

  • Monitor all activity.
  • Deters crime.
  • Lowers insurance costs.

No property owner can keep his/her eyes on all aspects of the building. A security camera system will allow you to monitor the day-to-day activities in and around your area. Security cameras have been proven to boost productivity within the workplace.

The first and most obvious benefit of security cameras is the ability to deter crime. It’s no secret that people are much less likely to commit a crime when they know security cameras are present. Security camera evidence can be crucial in a court case, as well.

If someone on your property claims an injury that is false or misleading, having video proof will save you on insurance costs. In many cases, insurance providers will offer discounts if surveillance cameras are installed in and around your business area.

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